Please print this application form, then complete the section at the bottom and send it along with your deposit to:

Reiki Energy Seminars
P.O. Box 3732
Parramatta NSW 2124

Deposits must be bank cheques or money orders made payable to Reiki Energy Seminars.

Balance of payment (cash, bank cheque or money order) due on or before the morning of the seminar.

Advance booking is essential due to limits in class sizes.

All students, seniors and social security card holders (i.e. pension, unemployment, disability) receive 25% off all seminars.

Venue: to be announced
Time: 9 am to 6 pm
Bring: wear comfortable clothing

Please fill out the section below and enclose it with your remittance

Name _____________________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________________
Suburb _____________________________ Post Code ______________
Phone (h) ____________ (w) _______________
Email _________________________________

Please find enclosed $ ________ for the following Reiki seminar(s):

[ ] Reiki Degree 1 $220 Deposit $110
[ ] Reiki Degree 2 $495 Deposit $250

Class Date ____________